“The Sorcerer known as Majz Ical is a bit too busy grieving the loss of his friend, Kigyu Asubi. You, you don't mean anything to him or to anyone else.”
- Amane confront Naske with the truth about his master.
“This wouldn’t be the first time the Underworld was here. How do you think he ended up with it in the first place? His ancestors were infected by it and grew stronger by using it. His mother was one of the last few who could harness it. She had visions of his power and how he could dethrone the Sorcerer. What do you think he’d do after that?” - Majz Ical manipulating Toshiro in Prelude to Vortex of Souls
Short Summary about character.
Quadrant: The Palace Area
Base of Operation: Palace of Sorcery
Majz Ical currently doesn't use any weapons and is a full on magic user.
Main Weapons
Side Weapons
Past Weapons
Majz Ical has many skills that are based in and around his magical abilities but he is also trained in other methods of combat.